AVICCA in a few words
AVICCA is the french association dedicated to local authorities involved in electronic communications and audiovisual. It was founded in 1986, when municipalities were able to create cable networks, in order to share experiences between members and to have a formal representation towards national authorities (regulator, government, parliament, private actors…). AVICCA now gathers 237 members, from municipalities to big regions, which have created all kinds of networks, WiFi and WiMAX, MAN, Cable, FTTH, FTTO... More than 90% of authorities involved in electronic communications are members of AVICCA.
AVICCA is registred as a lobby by the European Community, answers to main public enquiries and organizes 4 days of national meetings every year.
AVICCA is one of the 4 members of the national comitee of dialogue for the plan « Very High Speed France », as the specialized association, together with generalist associations ARF (regions), ADF (departments) and ACUF/AMGVF (big cities).
The President of AVICCA is Patrick Chaize, senator.